Community News | March 8, 2019

Cohen, Feeley, Altemose & Rambo Meets the PA National Guard

The event was designed to bring businesses from across the Lehigh Valley together with the Pennsylvania National Guard to discuss ways for local businesses to work and support the PA National Guard.

Major General (MG) Tony Carrelli, the Pennsylvania Adjutant General and top commander of Pennsylvania Army and Air National Guard units, delivered the event’s keynote address on the State of the PA National Guard. MG Carrelli focused on the tremendous service and sacrifice of Pennsylvania National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, from their deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan to their constant response to local and national emergencies and natural disasters. MG Carrelli noted that the same Soldiers and Airmen who sacrifice to achieve those missions also live, work, and raise their families locally and often need support. The General asked everyone in attendance to take steps to support National Guard members and their families, even if it was with something as simple as a heartfelt “thank you.” MG Carrelli’s inspiring words capped off a fantastic event, which showcased the best of the PA National Guard and Lehigh Valley businesses.

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