Community News | March 8, 2019

Honoring Veterans Day 2018

Each November, we set aside a day to honor our nation’s military veterans and current service members for their service and sacrifice. The day began 99 years ago and was originally called “Armistice Day,” which commemorated the first anniversary of the end of World War I in 1919. Congress would go on to establish the day as an annual observance, which was eventually celebrated as a national holiday starting in 1938.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower would eventually change the name of the holiday to Veterans Day in 1954. While Memorial Day honors those who lost their lives in service, Veterans Day pays tribute to all veterans, living or dead. Great Britain, Australia, France, and Canada also commemorate veterans of World War I and World War II on or near November 11th each year.

Since the end of the military draft in 1973, our nation has relied upon an all-volunteer military to defend the country. As of this year, 16.1 million living veterans have served during at least one war. Thousands of service members are still deployed to areas like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria where they continue to serve with distinction and honor.

Cohen, Feeley, Altemose & Rambo is extremely proud to honor all who have served in our nation’s military. We give thanks to each of them and to the countless veterans from the Lehigh Valley and beyond who help keep us safe.

Bethlehem Catholic High School’s 8th Annual Veterans Day Breakfast. The breakfast honors alumni and family members of current students who have served in the military.

If you know a service member or veteran in your own life, be sure to reach out and thank them for their service. Your gratitude and support will mean the world to them.

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